Time Management Tips: Teamwork

Time Management Tips: Following Through
Instructor: Dave Crenshaw
Released: 11/11/2019Course Details
Skills Covered
Time Management
Course Link
Professional Certifications and Continuing Education Units (CEUs)
Project Management Institute – PDUs: 0.5 hour
National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASABA) – CPE: 1.4
Most professionals need to work with others to get their projects to the finish line. Consequently, merely refining one’s own time management skills isn’t enough to guarantee professional success and productivity. The ability to collaborate with others—and grapple with different ways of working and managing time—is a critical ingredient to any project’s success. In this installment of the Time Management Tips series, productive leadership author and speaker Dave Crenshaw shares bite-sized tips for enhancing team collaboration by managing time more effectively. Discover how to make meetings more meaningful, reduce interruptions, and even help your teammates boost their own productivity.

Learning objectives
– Identify the end goal of a one-on-one meeting.
– Explain how to follow up after delegating a task to a team member.
– Recall one question you can ask to reduce unnecessary meetings.
– Identify the best way to approach a situation where a coworker is disorganized and struggles with time management.
– Give an example of advice you could offer a new manager concerning time management.

Source: LinkedIN Learning
Teamwork Tips

Time management for working in teams

  1. Create ground rules.
  2. Create clear deadlines.
  3. Create a shared calendar.
  4. Create a consistent meeting pattern.
  5. Communicate.

Making meetings meaningful

  1. Listen.  Focus fully on other people while they are speaking.  Do not multitask.
  2. Take action, not notes.  Write down action items rather than copious notes.
  3. Verify when the meeting ends in advance.
  4. Encourage shorter meetings.  (50 mins instead of 1 hour, 25 mins instead of ½ hour)
  5. Review and process notes.
You May Enjoy!
David Crenshaw recommends “Time Management Fundamentals” training. Click here to see the course!

Reducing interruptions with one-on-one meetings

The idea is that you ask the associate your questions and they ask you their questions, it’s that simple.  The idea is to complete this on a consistent basis.  Rather than interrupt their work with quick questions, schedule a one-on-one meeting for a free exchange of ideas.  

The Goal

  • Agree on specific actions times
  • Avoid vague statements (like I will get to you sometime next week)
  • Be specific

Coordinating deadlines with coworkers

Find out your team’s expectations.  Ask when is the latest that this can be done?  This leads to positive procrastination.   Discuss solutions for timeline conflicts.  Share your thoughts.  

Avoid completing tasks at the last moment.  

Dealing with overlapping responsibilities

Make sure there are clearly defined responsibilities.  Schedule time to have a conversation about roles.  Delegate projects by asking the other partner for help.  

Following up on delegated items

  1. Establish a reminder tool.
  2. Schedule reminders for yourself to follow up on items
  3. Schedule reminders for the day after something is due to you.  
  4. Check in.  Send them a quick email or make a short phone call to remind them something is due.
  5. If they did not complete the item that was due, focus on obstacles in the way.  Ask them question such as:
    • What got in the way?
    • What obstacles did you experience? 

When others fail to keep their commitments

Do what you say you will do, when you said you will do it!

  1. Avoid taking it personally.
  2. Separate incidents from patterns. (once vs. systemic issue)
  3. Focus on action and results, not assumptions.
  4. Provide the help they need.

Something that happens once

Something that happens multiple times

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David Crenshaw recommends “Time Management for Managers” training.

Ending meetings with actions

The value of meetings comes from what we do.

  1. What will we do?
    • What are the action items?
  2. Who will do it?
    • Designate one or two people to take action
  3. When will it be done?
    • Create deadlines
    • Follow up

Avoiding unnecessary meetings

  1. Can we handle this issue without having a meeting?
    • Look for other options first, like sharing a document, sending an email.
  2. Do we need to discuss and collaborate or delegate and calendar?
  3. Can we deliver training via video?
  4. Does attending this meeting support everyone’s most valuable activities?

Helping others improve their time management


  • Assuming  your way fits everyone
  • Expecting perfection


  • Recommend flexible solution
  • Focus on progress
You May Enjoy!
David Crenshaw recommends “Time Management Fundamentals” training. Click here to see the course!

Dealing with distracting coworkers

  1. Look at yourself.
  2. Use headphones.
  3. Schedule a meeting.
    • Leave pockets on your calendar for people to schedule time to talk.

Handling the inefficiency of others

  1. Be understanding.
  2. Provide a clear “when”.
    • Give deadlines.
    • Ask for deadlines.
  3. Build a buffer into your schedule.
    • Because others may not be as good with time management and you may need to rely on them, add some buffer to your schedule to alleviate any potential delays.
  4. Give people reminders.
    • Little reminder like “looking forward to seeing this from you”
  5. Follow-up
    • Follow-up the day after something is due.  When something was missed but especially when something was completed on time to reinforce the habit of providing both positive feedback and coaching.

Helping coworkers reduce interruptions

  1. Help others understand the cost of switchtasking.  Five percent or less of people feel they’re in control.  
  2. Schedule one-on-one meetings.  Consistent 1-on-1 reduces interruptions.
You May Enjoy!
David Crenshaw recommends “Time Management Fundamentals” training. Click here to see the course!

Stopping coworkers from encroaching on personal time

  • Establish a consistent one-on-one meeting schedule.  
  • Leading productive one-on-one meetings on LinkedIN
  • If once a week is not enough, try twice a week with a shorter meeting time.
  • Ask “Can this wait until the 1-on-1 meeting?”
  • Handle emergencies in the moment.

Time management for managers and leaders

  1. Establish a one-on-one meeting schedule.  Establish a consistent schedule.
  2. Establish a positive example.
    • Complete assignment early
    • Arrived early to meetings
  3. Use a visual tool for task management
  4. Avoid being a bottleneck. (Delegate and Prioritize)

Understanding virtual assistants

  1. One-off – one project or one thing you need help with.
  2. Traditional assistant – one person who provides administrative assistance for many different people.
  3. Part-time assistant – does not come into the office but focuses on you from anywhere in the world for a specific amount of time per week.
  4. Full-time assistant – Focuses 100% on helping you be successful.

Don’t forget to provide accountability.

To experience the full benefit of this guide, I highly recommend you watch the full training session.

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