Proven Tips for Managing Your Time

Proven Tips for Managing Your Time
Instructor: Todd Dewett
Released: 8/6/2019Course Details
Skills Covered
Time Management
Course Link
Professional Certifications and Continuing Education Units (CEUs)
Every minute counts when you’re on the clock. Learn how to make the most of your time at work and get more done. In this short course, coach Todd Dewett shares time management tips that help everyone from busy executives to brand-new employees get more productivity out of the busy work day. Learn how to embrace the 80/20 rule, find your “Einstein” window, and broadcast your availability. Todd also explains how to scrutinize your workload to make sure you’re spending time on tasks that matter. These concise tips provide simple ways to transform your entire schedule, enabling better focus, clarity, and productivity throughout your day.

Source: LinkedIN Learning
Vital Time Management Strategies

Use the 80/20 rule

All work is not created equal.  Some things matter more than others.

Is this work important to you and your team?

Is this just work you have to do?

Examples of 80% Work

  • Filling out reports
  • Compiling spreadsheets
  • Chatting with colleagues

 Never invest more than half of your time on things in the 80% pile!

Discover your Einstein window

Mental peak – work feels fun – things get done – last 2 to 4 hours.

Protecting Your Window

  • Learn to say no
  • Step away from your desk
  • Silence your phone

Communicate your availability

Be proactive about your availability.

Colored Cards Example

  • Agree on what the colors mean
  • Place a card outside your work area
  • Change card as needed

You have to use this type of system with integrity.

Other Options

  • Block time shared calendars
  • Send a digital note to your team
  • Stop by and let someone know

Strategically manage your work

Think about work you just have to do.

Ways to Automate

  • Auto-populate reports
  • Build macros in spreadsheets
  • Create digital contracts (instead of paper)

Ways to Outsource

  • Delegate work to someone who can help
  • Provide work to someone who can help
  • Draft, hand off, and focus on important tasks

Ways to Delegate

  • Present a development opportunity to someone
  • Help others build new skills

Other classic time management tips

Classic Tips

  • Arrive early to work (try it one day per week)
  • Do a time audit every year
  • Start with a day planner
  • Work at home when you can (once a week or a few times per month)
  • Switch tasks – when stuck working on a problem
  • Delay something you want until you finish a prescribed goal
  • Take breaks
  • Use time limits on tasks
  • Avoid multitasking
To experience the full benefit of this guide, I highly recommend you watch the full training session.

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