Communicating As a Leader (Nano Tips)

Communicating As a Leader (Nano Tips)
Instructor: Jessica Chen
Released: 9/1/2022Course Details
Beginner + Intermediate
Skills Covered
Course Link
Professional Certifications and Continuing Education Units (CEUs)
Welcome to our Nano Tips series, where LinkedIn Learning creators deliver impactful lessons in literally seconds.

In this course, learn some quick tips on learning how to overcome fear, support your team, navigate difficult conversations, and communicate up, down, and across all levels. Also, learn how to stay visible when working remotely and how to handle tricky conversations.

Source: LinkedIN Learning
Communicating as a Leader

Overcoming the fear to lead

Fear is good, it means you are growing!  The best way to deal with negativity is through labeling.  By labeling the negative voice in your head, you are essentially controlling that negative voice.  Reframe your thinking so it’s more positive.

Developing a manager’s mindset

  • Set clear expectations  
  • Be approachable
  • Interact and engage with your team frequently
  • Empower your team
  • Take care of your team and they will take care of you

Tools for an effective manager

  • Hitting your goals and numbers
  • Psychological safety – team members won’t be rejected or punished for sharing an idea or speaking up
  • Be willing to showcase some vulnerability yourself
  • Showing your own engagement with the team
  • Positive body language – like nodding your head, leaning forward, verbally paraphrasing
  • Build trust
  • Ask open-ended questions
  • Create a safe space for everyone to share their ideas

Leadership messaging framework

  • Data and numbers – use statistics to bolster your claim
  • Sharing previous examples – making complex messages easy to understand.  Verbalizing what is already on the market.
  • Adding a human touch – adding context that can bring a complicated idea to life.

Building team support for your ideas

The more people, the more likely your idea will get granted.  That’s because you have built credibility along the way.  

  1. Who are the industry experts that can advise on your idea?
  2. Who are the folks that need to be bought into your plan?
  3. Who are the stakeholders that need to approve this project?

Handling tricky conversations

  • Don’t jump to react, instead pause and relax.
  • Implement the Down Up Point Movement – look down first, nod your head, look up and be pointed in your response.
  • The key is being mindful to catch yourself before you speak defensively.
  • The pause will make it look like you are in control and poised.
  • Always end with something positive.

Speaking with your peers

  • Build trust when interacting with those on your level
  • Be more open in sharing your struggles & thoughts
  • Your peers will feel connected to you!

Speaking with junior team members

  • Motivate your team!
  • Sharing the ’why’
  • Clueing them in on the process and where they fit in
  • Show that you care
  • Periodically check in with your team
  • Remove the fear of them reaching out to you

Speaking with your manager

  • How you can build credibility in their eyes?
  • Tailoring your communications to their style
  • Being mindful of how you respond

Staying visible when remote

  • Offer to take something small off their plate
  • You’re carving out an opportunity to be seen!
  • Schedule regular interactions with them, keep them short and sweet
  • Meetings should be value-driven
To experience the full benefit of this guide, I highly recommend you watch the full training session.

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