Strategic Thinking

Strategic Thinking
Instructor: Dorie Clark
Released: 7/11/2023Course Details
Skills Covered
Strategic Thinking
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Professional Certifications and Continuing Education Units (CEUs)
Project Management Institute – PDUs: 0.5 hour
Strategic thinking is a valuable skill for everyone in an organization, and it becomes more essential as you ascend the ladder. In this practical course, professor and author Dorie Clark guides you through building a habit of thinking strategically. Dorie shows you how to set the stage for strategic thinking by asking yourself the right questions, making time to be strategic, getting strategic about your career, and more. Dorie highlights ways you can develop your strategic thinking, including considering the future, learning from the past, and creating an informed strategy. She explains how to implement strategic thinking with your team and measure your success. Plus, Dorie goes over treating strategic thinking as an ongoing process and handling problems when they occur. Learn how to make strategic thinking a habit that works for you!

Source: LinkedIN Learning
Setting the Stage for Strategic Thinking

Embrace the strategic thinking mindset

Strategic thinking is asking high-level questions that keep the future and your priorities in mind.

Tactical Thinking
How should I do this?

Strategic Thinking
Should I be doing this at all? What should I be doing that’s most likely to help achieve the result I want?

When conditions change, your strategy should change.

CAN Technique:
New Information

  • Question assumptions – Unpack existing habits and practices.
  • Observation
  • Reflection

Make time to be strategic

  • Free your attention
    • Tune out weekly
    • Sit with your thoughts
    • Let your mind wander
  • Create a weekly block
  • Enlist a friend
  • Use wasted time

Questions to ask yourself

  • What should I spend more time doing?
  • What should I spend less time doing?
  • What 20% of my activities lead to 80% of my results?

Get strategic about your career

It’s important to align your strategy with your time and with the difference in the organization.

Questions to Ask:

  • Where do I want to be in three to five years?
  • Am I on track now?
  • How can I increase my chances of success?
  • What kind of person do you want to become?

Understand the sequence of strategy

Big-Picture Choices -> Goals -> Tactics

Be clear and proactive about what you will do and what you won’t do.

Developing Your Strategic Thinking

Consider the future and learn from the past

Monitor Trends

  • Read widely and often
  • Identify well-informed people

Scenario Building
This is mapping out, multiple ways that the future could play out.

Create an informed strategy

  • Good strategy doesn’t have to be innovative.
  • Consider the future trends in your industry.
  • Solicit input from diverse sources.

Practicality: Get real about your strategy

  • Map your assets and allies
    • Find key relationships
  • Identify your constraints
    • resources
    • culture
  • Create specific steps
Implementing Strategic Thinking

Strategic thinking with your team

Do not unveil a strategy at the “strategy meeting.”

Instead have pre-meetings and identify objections. Be prepared to face objectors. Create systems for accountability.

Measure your success

Identify tracking methods in advance.

  1. Clarify your goals and metrics.
  2. Evaluate your progress at regular intervals.
  3. Document your processes.

Strategic thinking is an ongoing process

Regularly audit your strategy.

Questions to Audit Your Strategy

  • Are you failing to meet initial expectations?
  • Has there been a major change in circumstance?
  • Is there a more promising alternative?

Your strategy must provide probability for growth.

When Considering a Change

  • Run a small test
  • Consult colleagues and advisors

The limits of strategy

  • Accept the present moment and move on.
  • Respond decisively.
  • Embrace improvisation.
To experience the full benefit of this guide, I highly recommend you watch the full training session.

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